Creativity & Change Deep Dive Workshops 2022

Creativity & Change Deep Dive Workshops are back and IN PERSON for Spring 2022!

Find more information and all registration links here

What are Deep Dive workshops?

These FIVE Creativity and Change Deep Dives are an opportunity for inspirational, intensive and in-depth engagement over two days. Delivered by facilitators with specific expertise and experience, the programme is designed around the identified gaps and expressed interests of practitioners. Each workshop is a deep dive into a specific method that can be used to explore change-making, global citizenship and social justice.

No. 1: Tell your story: The Story of Self with Clare Mulvany: Craft a compelling leadership story for social change.  

Sat 12th and Sun 13th of March CCAD 9.30am-5pm each day

No. 2: Make it visual: Visual Facilitation for Global Citizenship Education with Eimear Mc Nally

Sat 26th and Sun 27th March CCAD 9.30am-5pm each day

No. 3: Take it public: Art + Activism = Artivism with Helen O Keeffe & Claire Coughlan

Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd April CCAD 9.30am-5pm each day



No. 4: Share your story: Podcasting with Ainle ó Cairealláin from Rebel Matters Podcast

Sat 9th and Sun 10th April CCAD 9.30am-5pm each day


No. 5: Take it to the world stage: All the way from Brazil, Theatre of the Oppressed, Forum Theatre with Julian Boal

(Yes! That Boal!)

22nd, 23rd & 24th April Various locations 9.30am-5pm each day

More info and links

Find more information and all registration links now at

General enquiries can be made to