BACK to MAAP 2020

Inguna Mainule

MA:AP 2020


Inguna Mainule 


The Non-Objective World 

Human nature craves conformity, structures, order; yet my body of work interrogates the deception of our perceived reality which brings the comforting and familiar into an uncomfortable setting.  

This work, collectively, creates a warped surrounding. Familiar objects are portrayed as strange, absurd and illogical. This manipulation of the reliable, the ordered yet on closer inspection chaotic, challenges the viewer in a social context. Material properties exploit the oppressive and obsessive, allowing for a provocative twist on assumptions and sensations. Materiality plays out in a variety of media, including installation, film, motion, food processing techniques and the more traditional disciplines of painting and sculpture.  

The balance between the established and the unknown challenges society’s transparency and questions the untruth. The installation creates an authentic space to contemplate our personal and internal revolutions. 




Left to right: H.A.L.T. (Homeless, Angry, Lonely, Tired); Pink Chair;  Mint Condition; Four Stools; The Non-Objective World; By the Light of the Moon a Worm is Quietly Nibbling; Comma; Relational Aesthetics; 48 %, 2020
Vacuum bags and fabric; pink upholstery foam; pink upholstery foam; iron frame, pink upholstery foam, vacuum bags; bin liners, board, pink upholstery foam, 7”display (1024 x 600) film with sound; oil on stretched canvas; black ink on paper mache; bin liners, band rings; leather, board, upholstery foam, fabric.




Left to right: Selfportrait; Pink Chair; Mint Condition; Four Stools; The Non-Objective World; By the Light of the Moon a Worm is Quietly Nibbling, 2020
Framed pink icing; pink upholstery foam; oil on canvas with pendulum; iron frame, vacuum bags; oil on stretched canvas; bin liners, board, pink upholstery foam, 7”display (1024 x 600) film with sound.




By the Light of the Moon a Worm is Quietly Nibbling, 2020
Bin liners, board, pink upholstery foam, 7”display (1024 x 600) film with sound




Left to right: By the Light of the Moon a Worm is Quietly Nibbling; Order; Comma; Relational Aesthetics; 48 %, 2020
Bin liners, board, pink upholstery foam, 7”display (1024 x 600) film with sound; projection dimensions variable;  black ink on paper mache; band rings; leather, board, upholstery foam, fabric.




Bread of Life and Living Water, 2020
Bread and fabric





Contact Details

Instagram: @mainuleinguna

Youtube Channel:




